dump the frump...

When I get older will someone please remind me not to wear any of those crazy knitted sweaters and oversized cardigans with scenery all over them. You know, like the ones with cabins and bears, or Christmas trees, or flowers and bugs and bees - oh my!, etc. You get the picture. That and skinny-ankle pants. They are running rampid on the older folk out here and it's got me wondering what age people start to lose their sense of style. Ugh.


So today was my sixth day in a row at work - I had five night shifts during our record week, and then this morning I had to open. I tell you this not to complain (I've already done plenty of that) but so that the following story makes a little more sense. My body was in pain, my legs ached, my feet were sick of standing for eight hours straight too many days in a row, and I was worn out. I have also gotten little sleep, so I was exhausted. Last night I went to bed pretty late and set my alarm early to get some chores taken care of. The next thing I know, I'm waking up and the clock says 7:47. Oh crap. I throw on my jeans (same ones I wore at work the night before - hey - they're just going to get dirty again), whip on mascara, and run out the door. I'm so thankful I can wear a hat on days like these!

Anyway... the crew was in a good mood and we are prepping along. I start to notice my knee is getting stiff and I can't really bend it as usual. Hmmm. I ignore it until it becomes even more obvious, even when I'm just walking. Finally I reach down to check out the situation. Yep... my underwear from the night before were about to emerge from my pants. Oh man. The crew, while laughing hysterically, made me make sure I had even put underwear on today this morning. Next time maybe I'll pay a little more attention before heading out the door. You never know where a pair of britches might crop up.


you belong among the wildflowers
you belong in a boat out at sea
sail away, kill off the hours
you belong somewhere you feel free

run away, find you a lover
go away, somewhere all bright and new
i have seen no other
who compares with you

you belong among the wildflowers
you belong on a boat out at sea
you belong with your love on your arm
you belong somewhere you feel free

run away, go find a lover
run away, let your heart be your guide
you deserve the deepest of cover
you belong in that home by and by

you belong among the wildflowers
you belong somewhere close to me
faraway from your trouble and worry
you belong somewhere you feel free

-- Tom Petty

feliz navidad?...

So I bomb bomb bomb-ba-bombed my final exam in the intersession course I was taking over break. Dangit. For some reason I completely relied on the study guide and overlooked all the notes I had taken for the class. The entire first page of the test I had to leave blank on the first go-around. I don't remember feeling this awful about a test since freshman year. Man. I'm just kind of dumbstruck right now because I did so horribly, and there's really no excuse. If I would have looked through my notes even once I'd been so much better off. Kind of a disappointing ending to a class that wasn't necessary. Pooh.

Maybe the moral of this story is to not attend you company Christmas party (yes it was about a month late, but still fun) the night before and drink Long Island after Long Island after margarita until your stomach wants to explode, not from the alcohol but more so an instense sugar intake. Bleh. Lesson learned.

sweat and tears...

If you never take the time to figure out what you want, you may never know who you really are.