
Tuesday morning I awoke after the seventh alarm and clawed my way over to my dresser to shut it off. And then I realized I could not move my head. It was stuck in a downward and to the right kind of way. And the second I attempted movement my neck screamed otherwise. I could barely walk, I definitely could not lay down. In fact, I could hardly hold still enough for it not to zing me with pain. Always a procrastinator, I still had a paper to finish that morning before class. Dang. I finished it up with little head movement, as typing is, obviously a fairly low contact sport. But my morning had just begun. I scheduled a massage immediately, but doubted they could help something so severe. My head would not have even been able to lay properly on the head rest. Getting dressed was basically out of the question. Okay, I suppose I'll wear sweats today, and just forget the desperately desired shower I had planned on taking. Bridge put my hair in a ponytail, and I attempted mascara, also a lost cause. I was still going to try to go to class, but after realizing how far I would have to walk I would have been late anyway, and probably not even be able to see the projection screen as messed up as my neck was. So I skipped. Yippee!

Anyway, I talked my mom into letting me see a chiropractor (finally!). Since about July or August I have had a chronic neck pinch that comes and goes in severity. But because my family is a bit of a critic when it comes to such doctors, I have had to settle for massages (okay, I'm not complaining) but the problem has never gone away. And this day was above and beyond ridiculous.

Still in my kinked position I drove five blocks down to a recommended chiropractor, thanks to Bridge, who was generous enough to squeeze me in for an appointment. I did not know what to expect, hearing mixed reviews and outcomes of various treatments. But my doctor was wonderful. And understanding of my situation. I think he felt sorry for me. Heck, I felt sorry for me. The first thing he asked was if I slept with the fan on the night before. I had, but saw no relevance to the current situation. "What about your window," he asked. Yep that was open too. And he said that was what probably did it. Huh? Umm... am I missing something here doc?

Apparently it got pretty cold in my room (the temp had dropped a lot), because I woke up freezing, and my entire body was most likely very tense during the majority of my sleep trying to keep warm. Therefore my shoulders were scrunched into my neck all night. And the strange thing is I'm pretty sure he was right. Who'd have thought. All this pain could have been avoided by shutting a window four inches. Are you kidding me?!

He finally got me loosened up - not all the way but enough to let me face straight ahead. And then I was hooked up to those little electric pulsating thingies, which I am not sure I'm a believer in yet. Only time will tell.

Moral of this story? Well, there really isn't one. But if you wake up one morning cursing about the pain and your lack of movement, don't say I didn't warn you. Keep those windows shut!

Oh - and on a completely different note, I wanted to thank thank thank Brian and Ashley for visiting during the spring game festivities. It was so good to see you and I can't wait for the wedding! Bring on the foxtrot. : )


Today was a big day - I got a new haircut, a root canal, and a new cellphone. And although all three can be quite a process, the most traumatizing of the three was the phone replacement.

Most people jump at the chance to get a new gadget in their hands, and though I thought I would be the same way, today proved differently. After over two years of dedicated service by my side, my little silver Audiovox bit the dust. Not completely, but the attennae is busted, leaving my service to a minimum at most. The second I started programming my new phone, I realized how much I needed my old banged up one back. It has been through too much for me to leave it at a time like this. I mean it. My cell was a trouper. The number of times I have dropped it on cement is ridiculous. Sometimes totally three times a day. Ouch. The LCD even went out due to all the bruising, but eventually revived itself through my intense begging and encouragement.

It also had a run in with the washing machine. They didn't have much chemistry. I lovingly took it apart with an itty-bitty screwdriver and let it air dry for two days. Of course it pulled through for me - good as new the second I put it back together. In an even more unfortunate event, cellie got left at an apartment complex right next to the hub-bub of Aggievillie life for almost twenty-four hours. By the time I remembered (namely Anna remember) where it could be we had gone through a thunderstorm and weekend traffic. But there he was, huddled against the mulch, cold and shaken, but still alive. It was a proud moment.

In the most recent event, the poor cell had beverages accidentally poured on it, and although I now know how it operates, there was little I could do to save the poor guy, as his attennae fell out the second I opened him up. At that point I knew he was pretty much a goner.

And it's not just the fact that he's been so loyal. He's had a lot to deal with too. Every text message and moment caught in my sometimes dramatic college life has been captured in that phone. There are a gazillion memories wrapped up on that mini-hard drive.

So I guess I just want to say, cell phone, I'll miss you. More than you can realize. And I'm sorry I have to abandon you. It's painful for me too. (Really, I'm not kidding, it sucks.) But just remember, even though there will be others that take your place, there will never, ever, be another you. You and your ringtones will forever have my heart.

cannon in D...

I don't know what I did to deserve such punishment, but lately nature has been out to get me. It started out innocently enough. Every once in awhile a bird outside my window would chirp me awake in the mornings. Granted I love all things spring, so I took this as a sign of warmer weather ahead. I even the little guy at first. "Chirp chirp, " he'd sing, as I rolled over and tried to catch a few more Zzz's. Eventually my friendly bird decided to invite his buddy over for a morning warm-up session. But this one did not chirp. It squawked. And squawked. LOUDLY. Squawk. Pause. Squawk. Pause. Single syllable, perfectly timed intervals. I could almost see him peeking into my window, waiting for me to throw my hands up in frustration. I didn't even pretend to sleep when the squawker came to town. Just laid in agony waiting for the alarm. This continued for quite some time, and I thought I'd had all I could take.

Until last week. I finally had the rare chance to sleep in. No work, no school, no projects, papers or exams. Finally. Then... bark. Yip. Bark bark. Yip. Yip yip yip. A little yappy dog joined nature's choir outside my window. What a sweet serenade. For an hour. And a half. *#@^$!

It's now a running joke, as earlier this week, not kidding, a different bird graced my presence. If birds were ever rated on singing ability, I'm pretty sure this one would be out of a job. He sang a song - a real tune - which was nice for a change. But he was off key and in terrible need of a tune-up. As well as some additional verses, maybe a bridge. I just shook my head and clawed my way out of bed. Might as well not fight it.

The kicker was yesterday morning. I know, it just keeps getting worse. Clink. Clink. Thud. Clink. Thud. I wish I could set up the array of sound effects for the viewing audience. It would be impressive. Apparently the neighbor felt it necessary to start fencing his yard at 8AM. Clink. Clink. Clink. Thud.

Mother nature - all right already - you win!


It's been one of those days. When nothing really goes wrong, but nothing is really right either. The type of day you can hardly wait to fall into bed and sleep it off. Like a bad hangover. Yeah. One of those days. I suppose I have some sleeping to do.

t.v. dinner...

I just sat down to do a little net surfing and snacking with a wonderful plate of homemade chicken alfredo. Two bites down. Deeelicious. Third cut, chicken alfredo in lap, on leg, on shorts, on leather chair. Plop. Slop. That about settles that. No more lunch at the computer desk.

Oh - I wanted to share a time-wasting website I stumbled upon recently. Warning: aviod this site if you need to be productive. It's quite entertaining. Basically you upload photos of yourself and friends and it compares them to celebrities. So far I've gotten matches with Magic Johnson, (um... what?) Molly Ringwald, and Jessica Alba to name a few. I know it sounds like quite a variety but the comparisons actually look quite similar. So if you have some time check it out: www.myheritage.com.

to the rescue...

I might be mistaken, but I believe my horomones are on an emotional coaster lately. I started tearing up watching "Supernanny" tonight. No, I am not kidding. Aww... crap.