feliz navidad?...

So I bomb bomb bomb-ba-bombed my final exam in the intersession course I was taking over break. Dangit. For some reason I completely relied on the study guide and overlooked all the notes I had taken for the class. The entire first page of the test I had to leave blank on the first go-around. I don't remember feeling this awful about a test since freshman year. Man. I'm just kind of dumbstruck right now because I did so horribly, and there's really no excuse. If I would have looked through my notes even once I'd been so much better off. Kind of a disappointing ending to a class that wasn't necessary. Pooh.

Maybe the moral of this story is to not attend you company Christmas party (yes it was about a month late, but still fun) the night before and drink Long Island after Long Island after margarita until your stomach wants to explode, not from the alcohol but more so an instense sugar intake. Bleh. Lesson learned.


Ryan said...

ok so I couldn't help myself and I'm reading your blog at work ... so sue me!