
So there has been a lot I've wanted to say and tell, but no time to do so, honest. Here's a really short rundown of recent activities:

- The President, as in G.W.Bush, came to our school! I don't care whether you're a Democrat or Republican, that's pretty freaking cool. I think the total standing in line time we waited to see him (including getting tickets, and then of course through security checks) was about four hours. Not consecutively though. Which was completely worth it. I have been to D.C. twice and thought if I ever had the chance of seeing a prez it would be there. Guess we got lucky!

- I went to a rock concert (ROCK!) last weekend in Wichita to see Shinedown and Seether. It was amazing. By the end my legs could almost stand no more, and my ears rang the next day, but it was a lot of fun and something different than the norm. The place was sold out, but it actually wasn't too crowded - standing room only. The only bad part was the ninth grader who stood in front of me most of the night with a big frizzy blonde ponytail, so everytime she jumped up and down to rock out... bleh... hairball.

- And finally, I got the flu this week. I know, please, everyone feel terrible for me. That's all I want. Actually I felt like knock-down, drag-out crap for two days, and tonight I'm winding down the same way. I haven't had the flu since I can even remember, but wow, I forgot how horrible it feels! My temp even got up to 102.2. Okay, okay, I'm done crying. Of course I had an exam today that I studies, perhaps one hour total. Which is not even close to substantial for me. I'm just hoping the next four I'll have more time to put into them. It didn't help any that I accidentally OD'ed myself on Nyquil. Apparently I don't know how much two tablespoons are. Which was probably most of the reason I was gone to the world yesterday - barely able to lift my head off the pillow. I survived though, thanks to my roomies TLC, especially Bridget and the cold cloths, as well as Clint's checkups to make sure I was surviving. My mom wanted to come get me, which I was halfway tempted to let her. But of course even I am not that big of a weenie. I just like her to feed me my cough syrup from a spoon. Is that so terrible?... Anyway, tomorrow I'm supposed to work seven hours, so we'll see if I make it up in the morning. I'm hoping so because I don't think anyone else is able to cover that shift.

And now I shall fall into my med-induced sleepy place. Until I get a drunk dial... Ah college!


Ryan said...

Are you getting these titles for your posts from a childern's book?

Rae said...

i'd like to say i'm creative and a little original... apparently that's not the case