sweet caroline...

Sometimes there is nothing better for a broken spirit than an evening out and Tuesdays with Chappy. Chappy is a plump older man, probably is his sixties, with a delightful array of tunes he strums on his guitar while serenading a crowd of halfway interested college something or others. One lesson recently learned about such a night: if you do not have a large group to associate with, do not sit as two women, simply out for an enjoyable night. You may be hit on, and it may be even a little less than complimentary. Especially when you realize they sell magazines door to door and cannot wait to have another notch on their bedpost (as if it weren't blatantly obvious before). Yech. And Anna and I were in the middle of such a wonderful talk. That is until "crooked teeth, I am so smooth" boy told me I dropped something. Confused I said "what?". He said, "your smile." Oh dang, that was a good one. Pickup lines like that win me over every single time. I am such a sucker. Wait. Um, Anna I think we should leave now. As in immediately. Oh what's that, you have already finished your drink? Thanks boys but we have to run. Man, Chappy I miss you already, but don't worry we'll come back next week. And hopefully they won't.

But it was a good talk. Good talk Bonanas, good talk.


Anonymous said...

So I was unaware that you could post a blog at a time that had not happened yet! You amaze me more and more every day... :P

Rae said...

i know this is really just someone posing for clint because it says you posted at 6:52am. that just can't be right.

thanks for hitting my blog :)

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM is crazy, except when you think that you wrote your reply at 7:47AM which we all know you weren't up then! Could it be that the blog posts according to Pacific Time?! Hope you don't ponder too long on it!

Anonymous said...

I think that door to door guy hit on me in Utah last year...gross