get around...

Hi. I still don't have Internet. Well, not technically. My computer pieces are still in a box. Actually most of my life is in a box at the moment. Which has been quite chaotic the past few days. Monday morning I dug around for ten minutes trying to find a bra (which is precious time when your sometimes - cough - running a tight schedule anyway), grabbed a tank top out of the dirty clothes hamper, and tried to pull myself together with shiny lip gloss (maybe it would detract from my smooshed together ensemble). I drove to a new office space to unpack more boxes (seriously, I should be having nightmares about cardboard by now), and have yet to settle into either space yet.

The great news is I have three awesome roommates. And so far I'm adjusting back to community life pretty well... haven't even left my pajamas in the bathroom yet. The great thing is I'm remembering all the wonderful reasons having roommates is so, well, wonderful. For example, Bridgette knocked quietly on my door this morning to wake me up in time for the lunar eclipse. We ran out in the dark in our bare feet through the wet grass to get a peek. I felt like a kid again. It was great.

So anyway, until sometime - maybe next week hopefully - my boxes will be put away (that sounded confident... right?), I will have Internet again, and my life will be somewhat back to normal.

Side note - I miss my Kansas friends (and those temporarily in IL). We'll talk soon when things aren't so hectic! And I'll be in KS soon - just not far enough east. But I finally finally get to go to the lake and play in the water this weekend!