zoom zoom...

I’ve been in Kansas City three point five weeks now. Time has flown! I received my first speeding ticket ever (probably needed humbled because I was really proud of that) cruising north on I-35 last week. 74 in a 60. Oops. I wasn’t even in a hurry; just had no clue what the speed limit was, and I’d been used to 70mph freeways. But I couldn’t use the “I’m new here” excuse because my DL hadn’t been updated the entire time I was in Denver – it was still a KS license with my hometown address, so that wouldn’t have gone over well either. To top it off I didn’t even have my DL with me. Because I’m that cool. So now I get to appear in court and the charge gets knocked off. Lesson definitely learned.


Laura Zaps said...

is your profile new? because it made me laugh out loud. wow, you really did that speeding ticket right. i should have gotten one on the way to football a couple of weeks ago, but thankfully didn't. hope all your traveling was good. i'm drained from this week, but i've been enjoying season 1 of the Office on DVD, so that's helped.