lah-lah land...

It's sort of funny how your mind tries to make sense of things through your dreams. Here are the real life scenarios: my roommate is recently engaged - hooray! - and since she's also our landlord, three of us will need new housing soon; also, I'm on the hunt for a different car before mine goes on the fritz and it has been chaos trying to find the right one - test drives, online car searches that don't seem to end, dealers calling throughout the day, more test drives, and lots and lots of phone calls to Dad and Justin.  So, although both things are good, it's been a little stressful.

Here's what my brain did about it a few  nights ago.  After a failed dream of test driving an inflatable floating boat car (the nose sank and the trunk stuck straight out of the lake), I went to another dealership and found the perfect one.  It was a green, wood-planked camper.  My roommates ran in and started claiming their beds (or more like couches that turned into beds).  There were three, one for each of us.  The girls were jumping around like it was Christmas morning and I knew it was meant to be.  I had a means of transportation, and we all had a home.  We couldn't believe what a match we'd found!

I woke up and laughed my hiney off while replaying the dream to Jen.  Interesting, since laughter is a natural stress reliever.  Maybe dreams are more powerful than we can quite comprehend.  Watch out for my green camper.