

A couple of weeks ago I sprained my ankle while bouldering.  It was totally dumb, my fault, and a silly way to suffer injury. I was going for a reach, I wasn't balanced, and I was prideful.  I'd done the route before. People were watching. Of course I could do it again.

Yep. Let me tell you how that way of thinking worked out. Pain and limping for the past two weeks (and it's not done yet, folks). Missing climbing nights and Ultimate league. Missing afternoon runs. Missing a simple walk around the block. And perfecting an entertaining method of going down steps.

There are, easily, many things that could have been worse. I could have had a wedding to shoot that weekend. I could have broken something. It could have been my knee twisted to oblivion. I know this. I still like to feel sorry for myself. I'm not used to being physically limited.

It's the typical case of taking things for granted. Not realizing how good something is, until it's no longer yours. Reading too much into a twisted joint?  Maybe.

But it was a point of reflection. I consider myself a grateful person... with a lot of room for improvement (so said little ankle).

Oh, how we can take things for granted. Our bodies. Our minds. Senses. People. Strangers. Shelter. Work. Love. Kindness.

Whatever the case, the injury provided extra time with friends, rest for my weary bones, and a renewed appreciation for health.

I'm not taking that for granted.