let the games begin...

Class has started. I'm not nearly as excited as I thought I'd be. The first week actually wore me out. It's poured each day I had class and campus becomes a temporary flood zone, but I've been lucky enough to catch rides. It's been nice not have such bloody hot weather. I'll never complain about the rain. My buddy Brian, a guy I met last year in class, gets to put up with me from 9:30 until 2:30 every Tuesday and Thursday. I know it's a chore, but he's taking it well. He's always good entertainment. In general my courses are handleable. One of them, taught by my favorite professor, might even help me find direction as far as a career or even a general gameplan . Ha - wouldn't that be nice. If I can stay awake in my classes they shouldn't be too bad. I have a terrible habit (actually I really don't think I can even help it) of getting comfortable way too easily and quickly. It's great when I'm falling asleep at night - five minutes and I'm already out and dreaming. In class however, this causes quite a problem - especially when half my professors don't follow a textbook. Crap I need to work on that. Maybe I just get bored too easily. Mom, I hope you're not reading this because I can already hear the lecture and yes I'll try to get more sleep. I promise.