t.v. dinner...

I just sat down to do a little net surfing and snacking with a wonderful plate of homemade chicken alfredo. Two bites down. Deeelicious. Third cut, chicken alfredo in lap, on leg, on shorts, on leather chair. Plop. Slop. That about settles that. No more lunch at the computer desk.

Oh - I wanted to share a time-wasting website I stumbled upon recently. Warning: aviod this site if you need to be productive. It's quite entertaining. Basically you upload photos of yourself and friends and it compares them to celebrities. So far I've gotten matches with Magic Johnson, (um... what?) Molly Ringwald, and Jessica Alba to name a few. I know it sounds like quite a variety but the comparisons actually look quite similar. So if you have some time check it out: www.myheritage.com.