
change (chnj)
v. changed, chang·ing, chang·es

1. To cause to be different
2. To become different or undergo alteration
3. To undergo transformation or transition
4. To go from one phase to another
5. Something different; variety

So many definitions. But no explanations; no advice on understanding it, accepting it, challenging it. I suppose you just stumble along, often without even realizing the changes that occur. Under the surface. Out of your reach. Out of your control. And eventually, maybe, you find what you have always been looking for. In yourself. In others. And in your life.


Anonymous said...

Change...something that no one wants to go through but we can all make it through...especially with the help of those around us!

Ryan said...

Well when life gets turned up side down eventually you'll get all the peices picked up again. After all that I found that everything is just as crazy as it was before. And lets be honest here... do you really want specific advice on change... naw, what kind of risk or adventure would that be. Especially the kind of change you are working on. Good luck with it all, I have no doubt you'll kick some butt.