happy holliday!...

I saw Matt Holliday at Chipotle today. I actually didn't believe it at first and did a double when I saw him in line. He's the 27 year old Rockies left fielder who has the leading League batting average, was the NL MVP, and, well, he's gorgeous. Of all Rockies players, Holliday is the one who has all the ladies drooling. Uh... except he's already married. With two kids.

So, I didn't know what to do in this situations. I don't run into people I see on TV very often, and I didn't want to bombard and bugger him, but I wanted to do something. I was nervous. My heart was pounding and my right leg started quivering - seriously. I felt like a twelve year-old with a school crush.

I congratulated him on his season and stuck out my hand so he had to shake it. He said thanks with a huge smile. He has great teeth.

Then I called all my friends, and we screamed like hormone-laden teenagers.


Ryan said...

Sheesh... girls.