uh... hello?

My cellular telefono is on the fritz. And as I'm trying to figure out and fix all the problems that have led to the most excruciating neck pain of my life (bluetooth - check, new fluffy pillow - check, massage and doctor's visit - check check), I find it quite ironic that my phone, which I blame the majority of my painful problems on, happened to crash today.

I think it was providential.

For now - tomorrow I'll probably miss it, but for tonight, my neck thanks me.


Laura Zaps said...

hope your neck feels better

Rae said...

it does feel better! actually the day after i called you, it totally cramped/kinked up. it was the most awful pain i've experienced. ever. went to the doc yesterday and he helped me out. it still hurts more than the day to day pain, but it's waaay better than what happened Monday evening. Guess it was just a matter of time...