

By mistake I started a personal project. It's called carry my camera with me (almost) everywhere I go, and when the spirit moves, take photos. It started with the drive through Abilene to Justin's farm. The puffy clouds and vivid green wheat - I couldn't pass it by. I had too many times before, and missed the privilege to share the breathtaking scenes. It continued with the journey to Western Kansas. The thick rain clouds, the setting sun, the old windmill. I had to stop. Pulled over on the country road, breathed in the wonderful country air, and felt simply surrounded by peace. No noise. No distractions. Just quiet, simple peace.

Yesterday it happened again. On the way back from Lawrence, before stopping for fuel in DeSoto. The gas station was to the left. And for unknown reasons I went right. The curve in the road took me past old buildings and rumbling semi-trucks to a barb wire fence and a blocked of entrance with a 'DANGER - Do Not Enter' warning. There were also purple flowers (uh, weeds). In the ditch and on the edges of the road. And there goes the camera. Click clickety click. A strange peace again. I'd like to think of it as God's way of saying slow down - look around at all this beauty that I've created. It's here for you to enjoy. Just make sure you take time to do so.

And I thought I could do a small part by passing on the beauty via a blog post. Not much maybe, but a little something to share.


Bridget B said...

I love the bottom photo especially. Would it be ok BIG?

physicsteacher said...

I believe those purple "flowers" you took pictures of are the ones that Tiffany sprays in the pasture to get rid of. HAHA! I love your photos and can't wait to see our wedding pictures! You might have to take some of Justin and I sometime since our 1 year is coming up next weekend.

Rae said...

Definitely! I think it would be great BIG. I also have a similar one that I love that's horizontal, depending on the size/layout you like for your space. I can send it over... let me know!

Rae said...

Hahaha Amber, that's probably so true. Tiffany probably doesn't think they're quite as pretty as I do. And anytime you'd like an anniversary shoot, I'm game. There are some wonderful spots around Abilene, and I promise it won't take nearly as long as your Engagement shoot. You guys were troopers that day! Went shopping for a new lens today... pretty excited about it, but haven't cashed over for it yet. Hopefully soon!