we'll leave the light on...

Wowzers. It's my last night in St. Louis. Many, many days and nights have been spent here in the past two years. It's strange to be in the middle of the last hoorah. We had dinner on The Hill tonight, with all the fixin's. The Area Manager drove us all around his stomping ground when he was a kid. Loved it.

One more flight, and the travels are done. One more hotel room and the overnights are... over.

I'm trying to soak up every last minute, wondering if I'll miss it when it's gone.


Life's Apprentice said...

I can relate to this a bit. Has June is getting closer to July my wife an I get closer to the big move in our lives. The move that is far away from our family and friends. Makes me a little sad.

Rae said...

Good luck to you and your family - it is so hard to leave great friends and family. And to get used to your new surroundings and new people. Especially when all you want is the familiar. I like to think of my moves as adventures. It's sad leaving, and then really exciting discovering new places and street names, and hidden yummy restaurants. And then reality finally sets in, and it gets a little hard. Everything isn't as shiny and new. Maybe it's a little lonely, and you miss even more what you had before. But then, slowly but surely, there's a shift, things start feeling more like home, relationships build, and people at work know more about you than the simple fact that you're the new guy from such and such. You feel like yourself again.

That's my experience anyway. Either way, you're on a great adventure, and I really hope you are able to enjoy the changes ahead, as difficult as they can be. Again, good luck!

Anonymous said...

you will miss it and then, one day you wont miss it ever again.

good luck to you my dear...
its funny how its the little things that influence.