
I just wanted to say a quick hello and a BIG thank you to all who read this blog. It is my one hundred and eleventh post today (my belated blogging birthday!), and it has been an incredibly rewarding journey - of sorts. What started out over a year ago as a means of sharing pictures with friends, and occasionally recording stories so I could remember them when my mind was no longer able, has turned into much, much more than that. As I have mentioned before, this is often my therapy. My way of dealing with things. The way I figure things out. And I'm so glad many of you can read along and share the experiences with me. (I apologize for the boring entries, the extra long ones, and of course the cheesy ones too, but thanks for sticking it out). Thank you for your encouragement, your hilarious comments, and well, basically - thank you so much for reading! Hopefully we will have many more happy years together :) Mucho love goes out to you all...