home sweet home...

It's been awhile since I've watched TV. This is by no means because I'm doing anything productive like exercising or working out instead of tubing out. Just haven't gotten around to it. So tonight I had a little time and needed company while I ate my bowl of peas, and on it went. To my guilty MTV pleasure - RealWorld. Since it's the Denver season I suppose I feel a weird connection to it.

Well tonight hit a little closer to home than usual. Literally. Two of the guys were on their way to pick up another cast member after he'd been released from detox (something about peeing on the sidewalk...). The place they picked him up from was my apartments. My exact ones. I couldn't believe it. Out of all the places to live in this city, all the homes, condos, and complexes, mine was on TV. Maybe this isn't incredibly strange to anyone else. But it freaked me out. At first I barely paid attention, just kept right on eating. It slowly started to register and I did a double. Then a triple. Surely not. But yep, sure enough, as soon as the camera scanned the parking lot, I knew. I'm pretty much famous now.


little yellow leaf said...

I miss your bowls of pea's :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha I might have to start watching MTV just to see your head peak into one of the camera shots. -Ryan