
Ummm... hi everyone. I just wanted to saya quick hello. Hello. Okay, enough with the formalities. I really wanted to say thank you friends for your phone calls - I'm not ignoring/procrastinating/avoiding you. Matt had surgery on Friday to have a cyst removed. It's usually a quick, simple procedure with little complications. I'm thinking yay, I'm no good at the whole medical thing but I can handle this, no problem. Well, we get home from surgery, the cyst hole is bleeding. And bleeding and bleeding and... ack! Stop bleeding! Blood everywhere. Those of you who know me well know I have very little training in this department (like none). So much for "nurse" to the rescue. Anyway, the bleeding didn't stop after four hours, so in he went to the ER. After many beautiful hours spent there, they fixed him up, good as new (or at least as good as he should have been fixed up in the first place...). Wonderful.

He had his post-op appointment this morning. That's when they discovered the wound was still bleeding. So there he laid in a hospital bed until 10pm tonight. I joined him as soon as the ridiculous-crazy work day ended, so needless to say it's been a bit of a long weekend, and the start of a long week. I'm whining, and I know it, and I apologize. As long as he gets healed up, I really am happy. But I'm exhausted, so bear with me - I can't wait to return your phone calls soon!


Anna said...

oh geeze, raechelle... i thought the blood was done! sounds like a rough week, hope everything is better! tell matt i said to get better!