
Today we had a job fair south of town, and my supervisor and I joined a couple of managers to practice our recruiting skills. Since I am still doing the public transportation things, Allison is incredibly generous and totes me around when I need a ride. She needed to leave the fair early, but Matt lives nearby and could pick me up, so no problem. Anyway, it was hot today. Like seventy degrees - yowzers. So I took my jacket off and left it in Allison's SUV. We recruited for a few hours, and finally closed up shop. Matt graciously rescued me from the street corner where I was waiting, and we headed toward the city to retrieve my car. Umm... so side note... Matt and I tend to be a little dorky at times, and today was no exception. We had the windows down, sun-roof open, radio blaring, and our voices horribly harmonizing along with it. But it was too incredible of a day to let it go by without noticing. And we couldn't wait to enjoy it.

That's about the time I realized something that could possibly derail our evening ahead. My keys were still in the pocket of the coat left in Allison's car (who lives clear across town and was currently attending a fundraiser for her daughter, with no access to her cell phone). So, since it is a little more than challenging to get into your house without a key, we spent the next hour tracking down my great aunt who has a spare for emergencies such as these.

Moral of the story - keys belong in your purse, and thank goodness for patient people.