chug a choo-choo...

The consistent, current entries I once posted on my blog regularly has slowly deteriorated to just a few a month. And although I know I need to make another post, I want to make another post, it's as if my brain is stuck. Usually the words just pour out, and the stories easily come to life, but recently they've been blocked. Even though it might seem that it's because I now have a boring life, that couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm enjoying my last semester (wow!) of college and a life of little responsibility. Okay, I feel like I do have quite a bit of responsibility, but the padres still pay for my roof and cute front porch. And my car insurance. And cell phone bill. But that's about it. Really. And for the record I work my arse off at work. Not that I need to tell anyone, I complain about it enough. At least I pretend to be responsible.

I guess I could contribute to my blog by being honest. About how I've really been feeling lately. Scared. Ecstatic. Sad. Scared. Nostalgic. Anxious. Content. Scared. Yeah, all of those I suppose sum it up quite well. It's the first day of March tomorrow, and it really is hard to believe. I know, I hate saying that. I get so annoyed by those people who are always like, wow, this month just flew by... or man, feels like I just blinked and another year is gone. Well of course it did, it always goes by too fast. Maybe the only reason we think it went fast is because we can't get it back. Just like having a crush on so-and-so, who is completely out of your reach. We desire it even more because we can't have it. Ah, human nature. Perhaps time is like that too.

Ahem, but anyway, back to the matter at hand. First of all, the new month symbolizes I only have about two more months to get a job secured before I graduate. Go ahead, say it with me. "Crap." Maybe I don't want the real world yet. Can I get an extension? Maybe just another two months - to get everything in order, to let me catch up with the life ahead? Dang. I guess it's back to those applications then...

Oh! One more note. Did anyone else notice that it's Fat Tuesday and I am in front of my computer instead of ringing in the season? I have beads and everything. I also have an exam Thursday. Dang it. Again.