
Oh glorious day! It has been almost a week since the last time I could really use a computer and I have found the old adage to be true - absence does make the heart grow fonder. I feel like I have been separated from the internet for months! So here I am, rummaging around frantically and clumsily (laptops and I are not exactly user-friendly) searching all the sites I have missed in the last few days. And it has been, perhaps you could say, an eye opening experience. First of all, I don't get much email. None at all really. Probably only one to two good ones a week. Most of my inbox is cluttered with job search results, ridiculous forwards, (when will people stop sending those *#^%$ things?!) and shopping specials, none of which I really use. Secondly, as obsessive as my online usage is, it seems that I could do with a lot less of it because, as stated in point one, no one ever emails me anyway. Maybe if I wrote back in a timely fashion my online popularity would increase. I guess I'll tack that goal onto the bottom of my self-improvement checklist. Check. And other than that I don't even have a third point, which made it a little pointless to even make a list, as one of my teachers once taught me. Two points just doesn't sell the way three points will I suppose. I guess you'll just have to trust me that this zilcho-internet-for-too-long-experience really has been eye opening. Right...

Anyway, I have a lot I wanted to share, and really more than anything during this personal online hiatus, I have missed blogging the most. You see, my parents and I set out on an adventure recently, and for the last four days we have been touring another state, in hopes that one day I will make it out here to live. (Survive is probably the more accurate term.) It has always been a goal and dream of mine, and I suppose the clock is now ticking to make it happen. So they have both generously donated their time, ummm... monetary support, and lively company to help me search the great unknown. It has been a wonderful experience, as I have gotten to spend some extended time with them, which is so hard to find, and they have been so incredibly generous and supportive of me. I could not have asked for a better trip. Along the way we have had so many funny stories, strange situations, and numerous belly laughs, that I only thought it fair to pass them along. Believe me, my dad attempting a very professional ski jump that ended in an even more unprofessional ski CRASH is worth the wait.