I recently finished a book about buckets and ladles (I will get the title and author soon – Don something and his grandson). And no, it was not a soup cookbook. Although a simple concept, the message is beneficial to anyone willing to listen, whether it pertains to the workplace, relationships, friendships, or seemingly unimportant everyday encounters. Basically it goes like this: Everyone has a bucket, and each day you can choose to help fill their bucket, or you can take from it. As the authors wisely put, rarely does something happen that has a completely neutral outcome. Most of the time there are either negative or positive implications. And over time these events, no matter how insignificant they may seem, build up and eventually cause a greater impact on your life, including your motivation, self-esteem, as well as general feelings of happiness.
When people make “funny” jokes, poke fun, and make jabs at your expense, they are taking scoops out of your bucket. If this juvenile behavior continues a person can become deflated quite quickly.
On the other hand, if someone is offered praise, encouragement, or even a smile, their bucket can be refilled (and so will yours).
I realize that this seems incredibly simplistic, possibly a little cheesy, but it made me think. And think before I do/say certain things. The things you say and maybe more importantly how you say them have a major impact on those around you. Much more than initially meets the eye. So choose wisely before you speak – and next time try to fill a bucket instead of stealing from one.
And, if you catch me bucket dipping, let me know. I promise I will listen.