day six...

I took the wrong train today. Just hopped right on without even paying attention because I was positive my ride was next. It did not hit me until way too late (my nose was buried in a magazine) so I pretended as hard as I could not to appear panicky. Or more like completely freaking out! Crap crap crap. This is not right. Nothing looks right. Where the world am I? Obviously not on the correct route. Crap.

Thankfully Nancy’s words rang in my head and I jumped off the stop she had originally suggested if this situation were to ever occur. (Of course I never thought I would make that mistake.) I actually made it to work earlier than the other way, it just included a lot more transfers, stops, and walking. Next time I will be paying more attention. Believe me.

Tomorrow I get a computer at work and hopefully!!!!! my belongings will finally be delivered to my house too. I have been eating meals on this light cream carpet, watching T.V. on this carpet, (all three channels) and typing on my computer on this carpet for too many days. Things might start getting a little crazy over here if I don’t get the delivery soon. Red spaghetti sauce on the carpet for example. I can only be lucky so long.