early to bed...

I suppose I am quickly learning why adults whine that they have to work all day. It's 9:13pm and I am exhausted. Nine thirteen! Believe me, I feel more than a little old saying that. And I know, I know. As a student I would always say, wow, it will be so nice to have a set schedule, no homework, etc. Which that part of course, is a great, obvious perk. But, I forgot (or more likely did not even consider) other factors (downfalls) of the good ol' eight to five.

We have to wake up early. My alarm clock has not seen the likes of 6am since freshman year high school, when my blonde bangs had to have the perfect rounded curl in order to be popular. And how nice it would be to roll out of bed after eight, throw on a hoodie, wipe off the mascara smudges from the night before, and drive five minutes to class. Because now it is a ten minute drive to the train parking lot, twenty-five minute commute, and a half mile march to the office. (Thank goodness we are a casual company and I don't have to wear heels!) Almost an hour later I'm in my cube checking email. I get home after six, make dinner, which sometimes consists of cereal and peas, (tonight, for example) pick up my messes... okay now I am completely, outright, unabashedly complaining, which no one wants to read anyway. So I will stop. Because I really love my job, and I love the city. It is just hard to adjust. And I hate being tired so @%&#* early in the evening.

I guess I just wanted to remember the college days for a moment, and to remind those of you still in it - enjoy every last drop. Because 6am comes way too early. Yuck.