day nine...

The moving company finally delivered my thousands of boxes (I’m barely exaggerating) two days ago. Although I couldn’t be happier sleeping on my new deluxe mattress, courtesy of my parent’s generosity, (okay, I know I’m bragging, but with a down comforter it’s like sleeping on a little cloud in heaven) I may have been better off pre-delivery. Basically the problem is this – I have too much stuff. Too many clothes, too many kitchen gadgets, too many shoes, too many hair products, too many knick-knacks, too many, too many, too many. Not that I have all sorts of fancy things. I just have a hard time parting with my belongings. I work hard for most things, and we all know money doesn’t come cheap. So even though those chunky heeled leather boots went out of style two (or maybe more) years ago, I still feel like I’m tossing $50 bills out the window. You get the picture. And my little apartment is filling up fast with no place to go.

I’ll give you an example in order to better visualize. I currently have two dining room tables (long story, one of which will eventually go to my brother). My computer desk was broken in the move, so my computer remains planted on the carpet. For me to be able to reach the keyboard I have to belly crawl underneath one of the tables, lay cattywampus with my hips swung to the side, feet sticking out, and type at a very awkward angle. If blogging wasn’t my therapy, believe me, all that maneuvering would not be worth the commotion!

No matter, my parents should be here in a little over an hour and they will graciously help me dig out of my unorganized mess/disaster/chaos. And I can’t wait to have company!