crash course...

I just got in from another round of sledding behind a vehicle down the streets of Denver. My toes are trying to defrost - but everything else stayed pretty warm. There's something childishly exhilarating about flying around on snow packed roads (I even ramped a snow bank once... and landed it. Yay for me). Everyone - you should try it. Really.

So apparently a bunch of snow dumped on us the past week - thankfully the second storm didn't hit as hard expected - it would have been rough on top of all the other fluffy stuff. Western Kansas, however, was not so lucky. A terrible ice storm/blizzard hit the plains and has caused large amounts of damage. My grandparents have been out of electricity for almost twenty-four hours, and their indoor temp was fifty degrees (repairs to power lines may not be completed for two weeks!). They were finally rescued tonight by a family who has a generator. Thank goodness!

And lastly, but very importantly, my dad made it through surgery today. His rotator cuff was torn and the doctor made a lot of repairs to his shoulder. It will be a slow recovery but we're so happy that he's awake and well. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I received many phone calls from concerned friends, and that meant a lot. He'll be celebrating the New Year in a sling, mostly bed-ridden. I told him I'd take him to the clubs downtown. I don't think he was overly thrilled. Guess I will have to party for two - Happy 2007!