
Hi! It's probably too early on a Saturday morning to be awake, but I'm so darn excited I can't really sleep. Kind of like ski trip weekend. 4am rolled around and I was wide awake, ready to go. So here I am, with all sorts of good things to share (in no particular order of wonderfulness). Wednesday I went to my first hockey game - it's an awesome sport. The first time two players slammed each other into the wall Laura and I about jumped out of our seats! I don't know if it's the aggressiveness of the players, their "hockey hair", or what... ahem... but let's just say I will be returning to see more action. Whew. AND to top it off the Avs won! They beat the St. Louis Blues 4-1. Yippee! I'll post some pictures when I get them from Laura. Yeah - me of all people forgot my camera that night.

Hmm... in other news I am now officially full-timely em-ploy-ed. Can anyone else hear the choirs of angels singing? Oh... sorry - that was probably just my parents shouting with glee that they no longer have to help support their twenty-something daughter. So that's been a wonderful Christmas gift to me this year - I suppose all that schooling finally paid off. Thanks again to everyone who was thinking of me and encouraging me - your support means a LOT! The internship was supposed to end January 31st, so I figured my full-time benefits wouldn't start until then - but I'll actually be official at the end of December. Pretty cool. Warning - cheese factor ahead... I really sometimes do feel like the luckiest girl in the world. It never ever ceases to amaze me when I think of how our lives are formed and how various events shape our future. And how little things can turn into pretty big things when you least expect it. It's quite refreshing really - what happens when you take the time listen to your insides.

Okay... cheese factor is over. The last (but definitely not least) awesome thing this week is that Bridget is here visiting! Yay! Yay! (I'm doing a little dance in my PJs... lucky for you that you can't see it.) We're going to cruise the town and introduce her to "Denver: My Side of the Story" (that just means we'll probably get lost a lot - already have actually - but we'll have a lot of flipping fun in the process). I will update later on how things went. There may or may not be photos of us in cute dresses - you'll have to wait and see. But I must go - biscuits and gravy are on the menu and it's wakie wakie time for Bridgie!