and then there's aggieville...

Recently spotted on my dry erase board outside my doorway after a long and hilarious, possibly juvenile, Thursday evening:

'Dear Raechelle,
Thanks for the taco. I honestly only came in (to work) to see your beautiful hungover face, but the taco was a nice surprise. I heart: U. walks home from the bars. switching shoes. stopping to roll on the ground laughing. hugs. morning rides (in neither of our own cars). drunk heart to hearts. see you tonite.

Thursday was quite an adventure. Anna, don't forget the part about you trying to call safe ride and me repeatedly insisting on you calling danger instead. Call danger, call danger! It's not my fault I'm scared to death of the freaking park.

Well work at 7:15 that next morning was quite pleasant. Me putting away the food order resulted in a smashed pinkie finger, a long scratch down my forearm, scraped knuckles, and a deep incision between my thumb and pointer finger. Not to mention my appearance was nothing short of stunning.

Oh how I can't wait for another Thursday, however a much less drama-filled one please. I have one class presentation down, one to go. Group meeting total this week: four and counting. I love business admin.

My apologies for a bit scattered, unorganized, and spontaneous entry today. So is my life. And, well, I thoroughly enjoy it that way.

P. S. Big news! I bought an ink cartridge yesterday. Seriously that's a big deal. I can no longer afford groceries. And after five nozzle-head cleanings it finally printed a document. Crap.