crazy train...

Okay I wanted to give a quick re-cap of a rather interesting Saturday game day. So here goes. Liz and I found ourselves very entertained at random tailgates to start the morning. We headed into the game about twenty minutes before it started, and I walked bravely to the front. Bam - two seats three rows up, thirty-five yard line. People all around I knew. Mom asked me about the game tonite. It wasn't until then that I realized I didn't really watch it first half. At all. I'm not sure what I was doing. Just cheering loudly for the heck of it probably. Bridge joined us second quarter and we kept on screaming. I got Liz sent up for a crowd-surfing rendevous. And although i grabbed her clutch and other loose objects, she did lose her bling-bling sunglasses in the journey. Aww.

Liz and I made a trip up to the bano and while I was trying to steer us right, she pointed out that the women's restroom was to the left. Okay. So we head in. And see a thousand unrinals. Ack! Retreat! Crap! Boys everywhere. Run away! Into a security guard. Who thinks we went in the wrong restroom on purpose. He soon realized by the look on our faces that it was on accident. Liz fell on the asphalt laughing. I tried not to pee my pants. We made it through the second half, a little colder but still having fun. Bridge and I even made it on the big-screen. Famous, I know.

As soon as the game was over we headed home to grab money and eat at Old Chicago - desparate to beat the mad rush. There was an hour wait already, so we grabbed a blink-y thingy and headed to the mall. Aahhh shoe shopping, what a wonderful sport. Then a friend of mine called and told us they (him and his friend Dave) were headed to the mall because they wanted to eat with us too. We made them play dress-up in American Eagle and found some lovely assets to their wardrobe. I loving finding clothes for boys to wear. It's so much easier than girls. Of course they didn't buy anything. But we tried. Finally our blinky went off and Bridge and I darted through the mall to get our seats. I mean I was beyond famished. The boys were stuck in the dressing rooms. Haha. An hour and a half after hilarious conversation and and goofiness ensued, we finally got the two items we ordered. A little ridiculous but worth the friendly banter. It was really nice to catch up with friends I never see.

I tried to nap when I got home, to no avail. About 2:00 Bridge and I headed on a DD run for three highly flammable wandering boys. They were ridiculously funny. It's amazing we made it safely. Or at least that my car seats were still attached. Those boys were all over the place. Entertaining doesn't even begin to describe. And of course there were hugs for everyones. And high fives. High fives everybody!


Anonymous said...

This is Tom. Thought I'd say hello. Stop eating. Seriously.