spinning wheel...

Holy cow. I have made it seven days without blogging. My apologies. It seems like life has been a little crazy lately, and now I'm not even sure why. Too much work, too much school, not enough life I suppose. I just keep running running running, wondering when I'll get caught up. Is that even possible? Probably not.

Ryan and I went out to Old Chicago this week. I tried the Blue Moon, which is garnished with an orange slice (I argued it was a big lemon, of course proved wrong when Ryan ate it). I'm up to four beers out of their 110. Bottoms up.

The best part of the evening, however, was a secret trip to the vet school to visit a German Sheppard puppy that was there to have surgery Monday. It was the best behaved dog I'd seen in a long time, not pulling on the leash, not barking or acting erratic, etc. Ryan couldn't take her because who knows where she'd end up in all his moving, but darn it she was cute. I wish we could sneak a puppy into our house. Wouldn't that be a fun mess.

Friday night I finally got to relax. Bridget and I grabbed two traditional chic-flicks and proceeded to ball our eyes out. It was a good time - throwing the roll of TP back and forth between sniffles.

And Saturday my brother came down (yay!) with his friend Dan. I had to work that night so I hope they weren't bored out of their minds. I coerced them into doing all the manly things I needed done around the house, such as hanging my curtains and pictures up on my wall. (No, I am still not officially moved in and I've been here for three months - oops.)

And finally in other news, I guess I'll toot someone else's horn. Ryan headed to the brotherly-love state this week and wowed a company with his skills. Of course I knew he would : ) So congrats to you Ryan - I hope you're as proud as I am.