once it hits your lips...

It's Thursday! Finally. And I don't work the night shift - amazing! Anna and I are long overdue for a girl's night on the town. I have been in hiding for about three weeks due to stress and exhaustion, and well probably just enjoying hanging out without going out.

This semester has been a lot to get used to, and I am starting to notice the lack of friends around campus - many of which graduated in May. I miss seeing everyone. Even Anna isn't in the Kats Den when I have a break. I think I'm feeling old. Dang it. On a better note I am mostly on top of my homework/job/life schedule, which didn't feel like such a good thing after I realized how much class-work I have. The professors are on a rampage of assignments and groupwork. Bleh.

So this weekend I'm working some close shifts and hopefully getting caught up and prepared for two exams I have soon. Ryan's soccer game is in Lawrence on Saturday and I really wanted to go but my conflicting schedule doesn't allow much leniency. I'm sure those boys will be perfectly happy with an all-male mini roadtrip anyway.

Now Anna's ready and we have some planks to spank (I know I'm a cornball, I can't help it) so I'm out... and I'm sure soon enough I'll be out-out. Haha... scandalous.

P.S. Matt thanks for the enchiladas tonight - they were deeeelicious!