should be doing homework...

I was planning on telling everyone about a movie Tiffany and I were going to see last night. "Crash" was playing in Forum Hall but by the time we got there, the parking lot was swarming with cars and the theatre was packed. We had no chance. I've heard really great reviews about it, so I guess we'll be renting it soon. So much for being cultured.

Anna and I watched "Kinsey" last Friday and would highly recommend it to anyone with an open mind. The film expresses the sexual revolution that occurred in the 1940's when the book "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" was published. It is very graphic by nature, however the scenes, as well as pictures, are displayed in an educational, non-exploitative manner. Although there are arguments that Kinsey's studies were un-scientific leading to skewed results, which may very well be true, I feel moreso that society was/is unwilling to admit what may often be reality.

*Ask anyone, I'm not much of a movie buff. Okay, at all actually. So take my opinion as just that.