baby blues...

Here's a view from my cubicle of the "blizzard" we had last Thursday. The foothills received 16 to 20 inches... downtown only about five. The sun is so bright here the snow melts very quickly and by Saturday everyone was walking around in t-shirts. Weird.
And now, (drumroll please)I am proud to introduce the new addition to my family (other members including all plants currently keeping warm in the living room) - skis, poles, boots, and helmet. Yes, I know this is completely dorky, but I can't help it. It's like a dream come true. Cheesy you say? I fully agree. But it's true none the less. So, I may be over my head in debt thanks to the little suckers, but they are still mine and I promise to give them a good home. Although a great snuggle buddy they are not - I'm working on it.