mike check one two...

I have realized that in growing up, some things are harder to get used to than others. The work environment, for me anyway, has been one of them. Not that I don't like my co-workers - it is just a completely different dynamic going from being with a bunch of college kids who go out most nights of the week, procrastinate homework, and live somewhat carefreely, to adults with children and mortgages and, well, things I can't quite relate to yet. But finally, after almost three months, things are getting more comfortable and I am finding my place in the office. And although part of it simply takes time to adjust, I suppose the company is a big help in fostering a welcoming environment as well.

Today was especially reassuring. Kirk, a recruiter, promised me homemade chicken pot pie for lunch, and you better believe he delivered. He attended culinary school so his eats are always wonderful, and he's a great resource for recipe ideas and out to lunch "what is that on the menu" questions (which I have a lot). Later in the day an up and coming artist performed down the hall, and everyone gathered 'round, grabbed a beer, some chips and salsa, and enjoyed over an hour of live music. He was actually an amazing singer (and soloed on his guitar... what more could a girl ask for) so as soon as I figure out his name, I will pass it along. His music and lyrics hit the spot.

Then we played fetch with the dogs, witnessed a beagle (Boots) attempt, unsuccessfully, to steal the squeeze toy (a squishy burrito) from a black lab (Chappie), and eventually got back to work.

As I looked around the room at all the faces I am getting to know (and more people my age being employed!), it finally felt a little more like home, a little more comfortable, and a lot more inviting. Although I may hear more stories about my supervisor's kids bathing their dogs in Gold Bond powder while daddy wasn't looking, (true story) it is an adjustment that is slowly feeling like "hey, this is my life"... and I'm happy with that.

Oh! And I actually shook hands and introduced myself to the CEO today. That was kind of a big deal too.